Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Starting up

Well, I've reached Wednesday of the first week of summer classes! I moved into our house in Hancock this past Sunday after driving the 6 some hours from the Twin Cities to the UP, where I passed snow along the way. Crazy. Once I arrived, I couldn't stop running around and loving every last inch of this house. It has been so nice so far, I'm so excited to live here. I'm living with 2 of my roommates from last year, Caycie and Chelsea, and Caycie's best friend from high school, Celeste, for the summer. Here's some pictures I snapped of our home after I unloaded the toaster:

Anyways, classes started right up on Monday. There are 6 students (including me) in the Estonia program, as well as a faculty. After the first hour and a half of class, I got so so excited. It's truly going to be a great summer.

After class on Monday, I picked up my friend Travis and we drove out to meet my cousin on the Huron Bay. My cousin, Mitch, (he attends MTU with me) was visiting the UP for a few days with his friend Andrew before they both start those summer jobs up. So we, as well as our other friend Hayden and a few others, met up on the beach, fished a little, made a fire and just hung out for a few hours. And let me tell you, it wasn't feeling like summer at all. Cold, windy and cloudy the whole time. Ick. Nonetheless, we sure enjoyed each other's company, and campfire cooked food.

Hayden fishing near the mouth of the Huron

 Mitch setting up camp

Getting the fire started

The crew around the fire (taken by Hayden)

While Mitch, Hayden and Andrew stayed out camping that night, me and Trav drove back since we both had class the next day. Long story short, I managed to dodge every deer we saw on the hour drive back to Houghton, until the last 5 minutes in the car. Yup, hit my first deer. We were fine, not so sure about the deer though. The car I was driving (my dad's), now is a little hurt, but nothing serious. So that was an interesting and scary start to the week.

Tuesday was another chilly, windy but sunny day, so I decided to finish my homework for the next 2 days and meet up with Mitch, Andrew and Travis after class. We drove up to Copper Harbor, and enjoyed the sun for a few hours as we explored around some rivers and the shores of Lake Superior.

We then ventured back to Hayden's, ate dinner, watched some baseball, and hung out. Yup, looks like I'm still one of the bros...

This morning, I said goodbye to Mitch and Andrew as they took off for MN, and spent the day hanging out with friends outside. No class today, but back at it tomorrow!

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